This assertive theory focuses on exploring the illocutionary speech acts of the speakers which tend to be stating, suggesting, pleading, advising and recommending. In analyzing the processes that take place in the tradition of reading Al-Barzanji, the author uses an illocutionary assertive sociolinguistic approach. Second, how is the impact and position of the tradition of reading Al-Barzanji for the people of Central Lombok.

First, how is the process of not saying illustrative assertives in the tradition of reading Al-Barzanji. Therefore, the researcher tries to formulate the problem as follows.

In the tradition of reading al-barzannji in Central Lombok, it has its own uniqueness, namely the insertion of Sasak and Indonesian languages, where each region has a different insertion form and a different dialect. The influence of this tradition is also very strong in the people of Central Lombok, especially in the field of religious culture. Which in the tradition of reading Al-Barzanji is intended to call out praises to the Prophet Muhammad. Serakalan in KBBI is defined as a song or praise. This study examines the tradition of reading Al-Barzanji in the community of Central Lombok. Text (TEKS SERAKALAN DALAM AL-BARZANJI MASYARAKAT LOMBOK TENGAH (ANALISIS ILOKUSIONER))ġ9201010003_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdfġ9201010003_BAB-II_sampai_SEBELUM-BAB-TERAKHIR.pdf